Category Archives: Blog

Tasmania Song to Copacabana

Tasmania Song To the tune of Barry Manilow’s Copacabana His name is Stephen, he drives a tour bus, He tells

Sydney Postcard

G day Mates, Well, happy and healthy 2002! Fri. Dec 28, I arrived at my hostel pretty late and was

South America Poem

South American Odyssey At the airport in clusters, Just finding our way, A bus full of strangers, Growing closer each

Perth & Melbourne Postcard

G’Day Mates, Dec 17, I flew to Melbourne and met up with a friend who showed me Melbourne at night.

9/11/01 – My Letter Home From Australia

Subj: My feelings about the U.S. attack Date: Friday, September 21, 2001 2:56:57 AM From: [email protected] Hello everyone, I don’t